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Get Walking > Kinder Scout

Kinder Scout

High Peak
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A challenging hike, starting at Glossop Station heading towards Whitfield up Victoria street, left onto Gladstone street and left onto Gladstone close, up through the allotments, looking back for great views of Glossop valley. Turn right onto Cliffe road and follow through the old village passing the oldest School in Glossop. As you head out into open farmland turn right down Leantown where you climb over the only stile on route into Gnat Hole. Pass down the hill over the footbridge, follow the path, cross over the track and follow the wooded path up towards Derbyshire level, at the road crossover and pass through the gate, follow the path that heads up right towards wormstones. Keep heading up toward trig point Harry Hut. At Harry Hut, go left heading to the Pennine way. At the flagged path, Pennine way go left and follow until you reach stone marker, passing the airplane crash site to your left. At the stone marker (Mill Hill) pass straight across heading down onwards William Clough, cross and head up a steep stepped path onto Kinder Low. Follow the well worn path along the edge, eventually reaching Kinder Downfall. Continue on the footpath until you reach large black rock out crop, continue along the path until it splits, stay on right path (Jacob’s ladder) follow the path down, some steep sections and stepped in places. The path passes through several gates, and farmland, wooded areas, you will reach Edale. The train station is a short walk along the road.

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