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Derbyshire Dales

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Welcome to walking in the Derbyshire Dales!

Walking is for everyone –  free, accessible and good for our body and mind.  Here in the Dales we have every type of walking on offer from fully accessible trails, beautiful parks, undulating footpaths in lovely countryside, right up to big hill walks.

At Derbyshire Dales Health Walks, we believe walking is inclusive.  We train volunteers to become walk leaders with the goal of providing free, led walks, enabling everyone in our community to get out.  These Health Walks are an integral part of the wider Walk Derbyshire model and if you think that becoming a walker or a walk leader sounds like it is for you then why not get in contact?

All Health Walks are detailed on the Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) website.  An up to date quarterly Guide is always available

and individual information for each walk is also available

‘Walks for All’ are a fully accessible, dementia friendly walk and talk which are very much designed with you in mind.  The pace is set by you and you choose whether you walk a long way or just bench to bench along the even easy ground with the walk leaders. We always finish with more chat over cake and a drink, sharing experiences and ideas together.

Walk Moor is a programme of short led walks run in Partnership with Eastern Moors Partnership and NE Derbyshire District Council.  They are located on the gritstone Edges and the Moors surrounding the Burbage Valley and Longshaw Estate. The short walks are monthly between March and November with a few longer walks along the way.

Derbyshire Dales Contact

Helen Milton

Health Walks Coordinator


Hackwood 3 Mile Circular Walk

A 3 mile circular walk around the farm starting at the car park for Hackwood Cafe. Feel free to start or end your walk with a drink or meal at the cafe.

Start LocationDE6 4LZ in Derbyshire Dales
Distance of Walk3 mi
Time of Walk 1 hour hrs

Upcoming Events


Blaze Trails- Baby Walks

Start LocationDE6 1AA in Derbyshire Dales
Distance of Walk6km mi
Time of Walk 2 Hours hrs
Day of Walk Every Other Wednesday at 10:00

Derbyshire Dales Community Walks Guide

Start LocationVarious in Derbyshire Dales
Distance of Walk2-6 mi
Time of Walk 30 mins-3 hours hrs
Day of Walk Every Monday at 10:00

Latest Derbyshire Dales News

June 2024

Walk Derbyshire App Toolkit

October 2023

Sally’s experience- Deaf-initely Women Carsington Water Circular Walk video

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Walk Derbyshire

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