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Derbyshire Dales

Walk Derbyshire Pilots > Derbyshire Dales

Derbyshire Dales Community Engagement and Coproduction Pilot

Pilot area: Bradwell.

Focus: Social isolation and loneliness.

Desired Outcome: Improve our understanding of the Bradwell community, build our insight and connections, and understand how walking impacts the lives of residents.

Lead Partner: Derbyshire Dales District Council.

In collaboration with: Hope Valley Climate Action, Peak District National Park, Active Derbyshire, DCC Public Health, Bradwell Parish Council, The Farming Life Centre, NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board, The Ramblers.

Online stakeholder engagement meeting and local area insight event – 13th Dec 2022

Face to Face stakeholder event – 14th Mar 2023

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