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Empowering local people can make a huge impact on the look and feel of a community. Recently in Clay Cross we saw this difference through a local litter pick where local people came together to tidy up their town.
44 local people joined together to help clean up the streets, and green spaces, of Clay Cross. Everyone who came spoke about their desire to see Clay Cross as a cleaner, safer and more welcoming place to live and shop.
The idea for a community litter pick came from discussions and community engagement via the NED Active Neighbourhood Pilot; who are currently working in the community speaking to local people to find out how to get more people walking in and around Clay Cross and Danesmoor. “The ANP wants to use the views and ideas from local people to strengthen the foundation of our community and encourage more people to get outdoors and get involved with what’s happening locally. If you are interested in being a part of our community focus group, then please get in touch”.
After the litter pick the group undertook some community engagement and informal discussions around walking and what was needed in Clay Cross and Danesmoor. People felt strongly that more needed to be done regarding litter, and the effects this has on our wildlife and community.
It was suggested that the litter picking becomes a regular event in the area, and this is exactly what we have done! Based on local views we have now funded two litter picking kits: one for Clay Cross and one for Danesmoor, so that local people can collect the equipment and make a difference. This is all free of charge and has been funded by the NED Active Neighbourhood Pilot.
As a group, 25 bags of rubbish were collected and this would not have been possible without NEDDC Streetscene team who provided all of the litter picking equipment and disposed of all the rubbish collected. Thank you to Rykneld Homes and Clay Cross Social Centre who supported the event, Jacksons Bakery for providing lunch and the lovely residents of Clay Cross for showing us the true meaning of community spirit.
Written by Hayley Bramley, Walking Into Communities Development Officer for North East Derbyshire