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Volunteer Focus – Walk Notts Strategic Partnership Meeting

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We know how important the volunteer workforce is in relation to enabling people to be active in a way that works for them. The walking workforce like many others, relies on volunteers to flourish.

But Volunteers and volunteer recruitment is not free. It takes time, organisation and commitment to manage a successful volunteer programme. During this meeting we heard some fantastic examples of some of the people involved in various volunteer programmes in Notts.

Here is the agenda from the meeting

•Welcome – 5 mins 

Volunteers and the success of Strategic Priorities – Sarah Wainwright and Noor Khan – Natural England

Volunteer stewardship, retention and delivery – Willem Lewis-Henderson – NCVS

Health Walks – Daniel Godfrey AECOM

Update on D2N2 Active Travel Alliance  – Helen Hemstock, RideWise

•Discussions about volunteering